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The need to write an effective Software Bug Report

Unit Tests TestQuality
Software Defect Report Template | TestQuality
As mentioned when explaining how to write a software testing plan, every software development project is essentially restricted by its resources, its timelines, and the deliverables that it promises to provide. Because software firms interact with a wide variety of stakeholders, including investors, customers, and end users, they are required to provide software of the highest possible quality.

If the process of writing defect reports is done well, bugs in the final result will not exist in the software. Failure to fix crucial software defects before release may have negative impacts on your brand. Writing such bug reports at all stages of software development life cycle is recommended for several reasons:
  • Improved launch product quality by reducing the amount of flaws.
  • There is an increase in software satisfaction among customers and end users.
  • Bugs can be tracked and catalogued more easily, making future fixes more easier.
  • Quicker and simplified software development

Since reporting defects is a significant part of a tester's roles and responsibilities, at TestQuality we have added a new app feature to reduce the amount of work needed on the software bug tracking process. Now, the process of generating a defect it includes the option to manage a Custom Defect Report Template. We understand that finding a defect may be really amazing and thrilling, particularly if it's a situation that's intriguing, but the method we report it can have just as much effect on the system's response as does the issue itself.

Which information is most important to provide in a bug report?

Whether you're working on a desktop, online, mobile, or API application, there are a few basic items that should be included in every bug report. If you are using TestQuality, this task is even easier to complete since some of these elements may be found in the existing fields when the defect creation process takes place as seen in the images below.

Defect Creation with access to Custom Defect Template

  • Defect Id. Number: TestQuality will automatically provide this unique defect identification number as it happens if you use a project management application like Jira for instance.
  • Defect Summary: It works as a Title or a short explanation of the issue that has been identified. It has to be clear and succinct enough to be read easily, yet detailed enough to be helpful to others. A suitable title may be something like "Duplicated user not verified."
  • Description: within this section you can briefly describe the Precondition or Prerequisites before facing the bug by using a Markdown Rich Text Editor for GitHub and just rich editor for JIRA that let you type and add Headings, Bold, Italic, Quotes, Code syntax, create a hyperlink, create a generic and a numbered list, insert a table and even attachements to your own custom defect template.
  • Steps To Reproduce: Provide as much details as you can on how to replicate the problem. the reproduction process here. The developers can fix the issue without any confusion thanks to the clear instructions. These measures should adequately explain the defect and make it possible for developers to comprehend and fix the issue without contacting the reporter of the bug. Writing from "starting the program" through the steps that "create the problem" is recommended.
  • Expected Result: Once again, you shouldn't just assume that individuals are familiar with the functionality of the program. When you hit a button in the user interface, and you receive an error in response, you are aware that the behavior is unexpected. A well written process for a displayed expected result process could be like “Profile picture uploaded successfully” but not "System should allow the user to upload a profile image." for instance.
  • Actual Result: This is something that should pretty much explain itself; you should describe what occurs in the program after all of the replication phases have been completed.
  • Attachements: It is convenient to attach the screenshots that you took when you encountered the problem. It is beneficial for the developers to be able to view the problem that you have experienced. As mentioned before, TestQuality's markdown rich tex editor with Drag&Drop saves time and it allows developers to replicate the bug easily.
  • Severity of the defect: it describes the bug's commercial effect. Managers set bug severity. Managers/Leads usually pick the bug's severity, not testers.
  • Priority: How quickly the problem should be resolved is based on its priority. A higher priority for an issue indicates that it should be moved up in the queue and resolved as quickly as possible. You can modify the priority options in the Lookup Data section. By default, TestQuality comes with the following priority modes: Lowest, Low, Medium, High, Highest. 
  • Status: A "Open" status indicates that you have just discovered a problem and are ready to report it. In the process of bug correction, the status of the problem will change until "Closed".
  • Component: Only avaliable for Jira.
  • Resolution:
  • Label: A list of any labels that have been added to the defect. This is useful if, for instance, you wish to monitor the affected features.These labels will automatically be synchronized in GitHub and JIRA once the defect has been created.
  • Asignee: Assigning a test to a user in your organisation will help you identify the tests that are handled by different members of your team, but also when a Run is made that includes the assigned test, the Test in executable mode will be added to the assigned user's ToDo list.

Defect Options during Defect Creation in TestQuality

Once you hit the "Create" button, your new defect has now been generated in your linked GitHub or JIRA repository. To see your new defect, click on the Runs and Defects tab in the test drawer.

How do you edit your own defect template in TestQuality?

You just need to access The Integrations configuration page which is located in the Profile > Integrations menu by clicking on your username in the top right of any page. 
The option "Template" manages custom integration templates for creating new defects and requirements.

By tapping "Edit Template" button a pop-up window opens with access to the markdown rich text editor where you Create your own template to better match your use case, or preferred format of issues in Jira or GitHub.

Markdown Rich Text Editor in TestQuality's Custom Defect Template Creator

Other Details That Should Be Presented when writting a defect report

There are other elements of information may be important to add to the ones listed above. They may be influenced by factors such as the nature of the project, its specifications, or the nature of the bug itself. Some elements such as:

  • It is important to provide the Software Version and the specific build number where the issue was discovered. That way, you can track down the line of code that caused the problem and find out which builds introduced the problem.

  • There are occasions when the Testing Data we need to replicate issues in the system is quite particular. If so, we suggest you to be careful to include it as attachments within the description section along with the Test Steps.

  • Make careful to specify what kind of Enviroment, operating system, web browser, or development setting is required to replicate the problem.

Guidelines for Completing a Comprehensive Bug Report

  • It's important to attempt to replicate the problem on many occasions. You may search for the simplest possible method of duplication (using the least number of steps).
  • Don't submit multiple bug reports for the same issue. You can probably connect the problems you find in the same places in your issue tracker. Including many bugs might increase the likelihood of confusion and delay in identifying and fixing any issues.
  • Don't bog down in the little stuff. The bug report should include clear language and straightforward instructions.
  • Don't speculate on the reason of the problem (unless you know for sure what's causing it).
  • Please verify that this problem has not previously been reported by filtering for this specific defect. If a bug report has already been filed, you may provide new information by updating the existing one. 

TestQuality extends your Github DevOps workflow to provide powerful and modern GitHub issue powered test case creation and management. TestQuality is FREE for GitHub public repo’s and affordable for teams on private repo's.

Live 2-way Integration Keeps Your Teams and Tools in Sync. Always. Change the priority of a defect in TestQuality and the priority is always current in GitHub and vice versa.

Seamless test workflows and defect coverage analysis. Your GitHub workflows are transparently extended with test management capabilities so you never need to leave your workflows.

Sign Up for a Free Trial and add TestQuality to your workflow today!

In Summary

Software defect reporting is a crucial part of any efficient and effective software development process. You should not undervalue the importance of bug tracking and fixing as you go through development.

Users who are looking for value will not care that much about your app's basic functionality. In that sense,TestQuality is designed around a live integration core. This live two-way core allows TQ to communicate directly with GitHub and Jira in real-time linking issues and requirements with the key tools in your DevOps workflows. TestQuality's integration engine also allows you to connect to pull in automated test results from popular CI/CD, Test Automation, and Unit Testing systems.

Applications that don't work properly are quickly forgotten by users and fail to gain traction in the market within a few months after their initial release. Instead of having your program potentially labeled as such, file software bug reports. They will be appreciative of your foresight as investors, and they will be appreciative as users.